Friday, March 30, 2012

Telecom Penetration in Rural Areas

The Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology SHRI MILIND DEORA, informed Rajya Sabha today that at present the rural tele-density is approximately 38% as compared to urban tele-density of 168%. Under the Report of the Working Group on the Telecom Sector for the 12th Five Year Plan, for increasing telecom penetration in rural areas, following are proposed: 

- Mobile access to all villages and rural density of at least 60% by 2017. 

- Completion of National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN). 

- Initiate necessary policy changes for encouraging the sharing of active and passive infrastructure in order to address the various infrastructure issues related to rural areas.

- Development of Broadband kiosks, on the lines of STD PCOs, in the rural areas to provide easy access to rural people to Broadband services. 

- Encouragement for use of facilities like m-banking and e-governance projects. 

- Development of low cost customer premises equipment and application in regional languages. 

It is, therefore expected that rural areas of the country will offer high growth opportunity in the 12th Five Year Plan. 

The cellular Operators Association of India have suggested the following for consideration: 

- Ensuring provision of Low cost Handset. 
- Development of Regional Content.
- Affordability of service through rationalization of levies and duties. 
- Reduction in Universal Service Obligation (USO) Levy. 
- Financial inclusion through Mobile Banking. 
- Automating Government Services and Government Service delivery mechanism. 

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