Year | Winner | Field |
1969 | Ragnar Frish
Joan Tinbergen | Dynamic Econometric Model of Growth |
1970 | Paul Samuelson | Contribution in Economic Analysis |
1971 | Simon Kuznets | Modern Economic Growth Analysis |
1972 | Kenneth Arrow
John Hicko | General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics |
1973 | W.W. Leontief | Input-Outpur Model |
1974 | Gunnar Myrdal
F. Von Hayek | Contribution in Growth Economics |
1975 | Tjalling Koopmans
Leonid Kontarovich | Optimum Resource Allocation |
1976 | Milton Friedman | Monetary History and Consumption Analysis |
1977 | James Meade
Bertel Ohlin | Internation Trade and Capital Flow |
1978 | Herbert Simon | Decision Process in Organisations |
1979 | T. Shultz Arthur Lewis | Economic Growth in Backward Nations |
1980 | Corienz Klein | Model Related to Eonomic Fluctuation |
1981 | James Tobin | Analysis of World Financial Market |
1982 | George Stigler | Public Regulation |
1983 | Gerald Debrew | Modification in General Equilibrium Analysis |
1984 | Richard Stone | National Income Accounting System |
1985 | Franco Modigliani | Financial Market and Saving Analysis |
1986 | James Boochanan | Economic and Political Decision Making |
1987 | Robert T. Solow | Economic Growth Model |
1988 | Moris Allies | Optimum Utilisation of Resources |
1989 | H. Trigway | Use of Probability Theory in Economics |
1990 | Harry Marco Vitz
William Sharp M. Miller | Portfolio Choice Principle, Capital Asset Pricing Model and Principle of Corporate Finance |
1991 | Ronald Coase | Transaction Costs and Property Rights |
1992 | Gerry Backer | Micro Economic Analysis of Human Behaviour |
1993 | Robert Fogal
Douglas North | Quantitative Methods in Economic History |
1994 | Joah Harsanyee
John Nash, R. Selton | Theory of non-operative games |
1995 | Robert Lucas | Development of Rational Expectations Theory |
1996 | James Mirillis
William Vickrey | Incentive Structures Analysis |
1997 | Robert C. Merton
M. S. Scollas | Derivative and Stock Operations |
1998 | Amartya Sen | Welfare Economics |
1999 | Robert Mundell | Analysis of Monetary and Financial Policy in Exchange Rate System |
2000 | James Heckman
Daniel Macfaddan | For developing solution to solve decision making problem |
2001 | George A. Akerlof
A. Michael Spence
Joseph E. Stiglitz | Developing theories about financial markets that can be applied to both developing and advanced countries |
2002 | Daniel Kahnemann Vernon
L. Smith | Human Judgment and Decision Making under Uncertainity |
2003 | Robert Engle
Clive Granger | Methods analysing economic time series with time-varying volatility and common trend |
2004 | Finn Kydland
Edward Prescott | Banks and explaining business cycles |
2005 | Thomas C. Schelling
Robert J. Aumann | Game Theory Analysis |
2006 | Admund Phelps | International Trade-off between inflation and unemployment |
2007 | Leonid,Hurwicz,
Eric Maskin,
Roger Myerson | Mechanism Design Theory |
2008 | Paul Krugman | New Trade Analysis Theory |
2009 | Elinor Ostrom
Oliver E. Williamson | Analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm |
2010 | Peter A. Diamond
Dale T. Mortensen
Christopher A. Pissarides | Analysis of markets with search frictions |
2011 | Thomas J. Sargent
Christopher A. Sims | Empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy |